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This actually Happened

Honestly, eat my balls

TitanFall 2...slow clap initiated

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Beard Oil for the masses

Now, I have not talked a lot about my beard growing experiment I am in currently, but I have grown a mean bastard on my face.  I have been testing out beard oils, balms, styling products, boar hair brushes etc.  I also came across a beard oil brought to us by Gio Naturals.  Now I did receive this product at a discount in exchange for my honest review, and I intend on giving it.

First thing is that this product comes in a 2oz bottle with a small dispenser on top, for $13.99 the price is comparable to almost all the other oils on the market, so there is no upset there.  After using this product for a week I can honestly say that it really has kept my beard moisturized and feeling great!  I have stopped using it over the weekend for the dandruff test which my beard is notorious for, and yes massive amounts of dandruff, but while using this product I experienced none, so I know that it was working as intended.

This product does help with taming the beard a bit, not as effective as a balm would be, but this is the case for me with all the beard oils that I have tried.  The bottle says non scented, and that is the damn truth, there is not even a hint of fragrance, so for those of you who are sensitive to that kind of thing, this would be perfect for you.  Cleaning up after appling the oil is very easy, and I find that the oil does not linger on my hands for long, a light scrub and its gone.  About the beard growing quality's I cannot speak to that, after a week of use I have not noticed any significant growth, my beard just felt good.

Would I buy this product again,  for sure, I would probably opt for a scented sandalwood, or something like that, but I like this brand and would not have a problem recommending it to someone!

Saturday, January 28, 2017 blow

So just looking at my earnings for my cafepress site, fair warning I have pretty much given up on this I have been a shopkeep for years ont his site, and it just isnt worth it, you would have to sell thousands of Shirts a month to make a damn bit of difference, but I just wanted to let everyone know, if you want to make shirts and sell them online, do it any way you can besides cafepress.  Their business model is just terrible for shopkeepers, example out of 302.00 dollars sold I made $15....less than exciting I know.  You will also never see traffic to your store from outside the marketplace, the bullshit they sell is marked up waaaayy to high, and they are generally pieces of shit to anyone who trys to work with them.  Check out this article from AOL

Suck it Cafepress, you had a chance to be awesome, but you blew it.

Buzzfeed is still Butt Hurt

Okay we get it Buzzfeed you are severely butthurt by this election, you have placed all the safety pins that you can on your self, you have went to your safe space and played with Play-Doh and watched 234 movies featuring kittens and puppies playing, but you just cant get over it.

So now you go to some place, I am assuming somewhere that is affiliated with Trump Towers order food, and complain about it?  What a bunch of Beta Male little bitches you are!  That is the equiviliant to leaving a bad review on Yelp, that is the absolute best that you can do?  This Youtube featured the "Try Guys" as they sampled, taco salad, burger, and some other fucking food and sat there and bitched about it.  I hope that the cooks at this resteraunt absolutely dipped thier balls in all of your food.

I honestly liked a lot of your content before I figured out that you all were SJW bitches...I hope you recieve ridicule your entire lives...get Fucked.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

TitanFall 2...I love you

So, I know that I am late to the game, this game got released in October but let me tell you, this is possibly the most enjoyable FPS that I have played in some time.  Now don't get me wrong, I am pretty much absolutely terrible at this game, I suck.

Some things you are going to love is of course the movement in the game, the wall running, bunny hoping, fast paced movement is just so much fun! The weapons are great, Titans make you feel like a God, the campaign I feel is very compelling, it is all around a great game.

Here is the downside, the player bas is very low I feel compared to other main stream FPS games, the BF, and the COD etc.  Now of course these games have been around forever and have a huge following but I feel that this game is getting overlooked so much.  Now EA I believe made the huge mistake with releasing this game shortly after releasing BF1.  Why would you stunt a game so badly.

On PC I usually see about 1500 active players during evening hours, of what I can remember.  Now i here on console I hear that this isn't a real problem, but I really can't play FPS on console, just cant do it.  I also think that this being released on Origin alone is also a damn problem, no one really like origin, the options are terrible, its just cancer.  release this on Steam and this problem will be solved instantly.

All in all, please go and support this game, it is amazing!  There are still plenty of people to play with, get your friends involved, and play the hell out of this game, you are not going to regret it!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Space Hulk:Deathwing

Good Lord this game is catching an absolute ass whooping as far as reviews goes.  Steam is riddled with everything from Optimisation issues, to Nvidia VS AMD fanboys throwing pizza rolls at eachother!  I was really hoping for just an excellent game but it looks like you are going to get some baggage on this one.

I just want a good Warhammer game!  Please Lord let the patches come!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Buzzfeed Cesspool

Soooooo is it me or is the YouTube channel Buzzfeed a fucking cesspool of liberals clawing over each other to appease the precious snowflakes of the world.  I mean seriously, read an article a few days ago about how Buzzfeed is basically a sweatshop and they have ridiculous deadlines for their plebs to meet or basically get fired, which is an awful business plan to begin with since you will burn out almost everyone who isn't tweaking off of smack.

Also their video for after Donald Trump got elected was just fucking priceless they were literally about to cry in their silk gender neutral panties..This fucking video is so salty , they literally refer to puppies and kittens in the video to make themselves feel better, like I could imagine all of them running to their safe space playing with play dough, and wetting themselves in the Ball pit.

Trigger Warning
Had to edit and add this, are their any adults working at Buzzfeed

Friday, November 18, 2016

Donald Fucking Trump is President

Well boys and girls it actually happened, Trump got elected president  and sweet baby Jesus the Salt mines have opened!

This crazy bitch right here Laci Green has lost her ever loving mind, and so has most of the other SJW pussies.  What do they fucking expect is going to happen? They act like death squads are going to repel from helicopters gunning down Tranny's in Miami. Everyone just needs to chill the fuck out and take a breather, no one actually gives a fuck what 0.3% of the population does or feels on a daily basis just fucking carry on.
Look at what this crazy ass white girl posted!  Does she even realize that the same people who voted for Trump are the same ones four years ago who Voted for Obama, they are the same fucking people!   I have also reported this tweet for harrasment, or hate speech, something along those lines but she is a protected snowflake so she wont get banned.  But honestly people who get this upset over a democratic process are most likely mentally ill.

If you dont beleive me how dumb these people are see above video for the lulz.

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