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Friday, November 18, 2016

Donald Fucking Trump is President

Well boys and girls it actually happened, Trump got elected president  and sweet baby Jesus the Salt mines have opened!

This crazy bitch right here Laci Green has lost her ever loving mind, and so has most of the other SJW pussies.  What do they fucking expect is going to happen? They act like death squads are going to repel from helicopters gunning down Tranny's in Miami. Everyone just needs to chill the fuck out and take a breather, no one actually gives a fuck what 0.3% of the population does or feels on a daily basis just fucking carry on.
Look at what this crazy ass white girl posted!  Does she even realize that the same people who voted for Trump are the same ones four years ago who Voted for Obama, they are the same fucking people!   I have also reported this tweet for harrasment, or hate speech, something along those lines but she is a protected snowflake so she wont get banned.  But honestly people who get this upset over a democratic process are most likely mentally ill.

If you dont beleive me how dumb these people are see above video for the lulz.

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