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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Gamestop...worst experience ever

So this story all starts on Black Friday of this year.  Nvidia had the Shield on sale for $149.99 and it came with a free remote.  One of the places that it was being offered was Gamestop.  Now I do not frequent Gamestop I do most of my purchases online, but just so happens while on vacation we came across a Gamestop and I decided to go ahead and try and pick this up while it was available.

This store associate was helpful, but he had no idea what I was asking for; or if they even had one, after a few minutes he found the deal but he would have to drop ship to my home; that's fine I thought.  Got it ordered everything was honky dory.

Next day i receive and email stating that they were out of stock at the warehouse and basically didn't know when they would have them, damn i thought that's a little shitty you offer a product you don't even have in stock, I mean I could understand the store not having them but damn the warehouse as well.  I call the customer service line and this is when my fresh Hell began.  I was informed by the automated bitch that they were receiving an unusual number of calls and could be with me in about 50 minutes...wait what the fuck!  Believe it or not I fucking waited, and sure enough 50-55 minutes later CSR picked up the fun ready to help.

I asked when they were getting the next shipment, "we have no idea" was the response.  So i instructed the CSR to go ahead and cancel the order, alright order canceled my credit card will not be charged thanks for your business, so I thought.  Few days later a Nvidia Shield remote shows up at my house, and my credit card has been billed for the total amount.

The call back, you guys sent me the remote, I canceled the order, and you billed my card.  I can again, understand that the remote made it out before the order was cancelled, billing my card even could be understood because they partially shipped.  CSR tells me it is only a hold on my credit card and if I wanted to I could keep the remote because it actually has a value of $0.00, because it was free with the promotion.  "But it's not showing as a hold, it's a transaction." I said.  "Oh no sir its a hold." he said.  Fine whatever I'' give it a few days.

Charge is still there, go to local store to try and get this sorted even bring remote with plans on returning it.  Store associate was helpful at first but then quickly turned into a pile of shit, he would not call Gamestop and see what was going on, he took my number down and said he would try to call later.  You don't fucking try to call little bitch, you either do or you don't.  Stop boxing up fucking Viva Pinata and help your customer!  He did say I could return the remote but I wouldn't get any back because Gamestop thinks it has no value at $0.00.  Fuck you nerd I'm keeping this shit.  Again  I didn't want the total amount just for returning a remote, really brought it because it had all the order confirmation stuff with it

Long story short after few more calls, and Gamestop refusing to acknowledge they charged my card they agreed to send me a Corporate check for the amount in 7-15 days, I went ahead and placed a dispute on the charge with my bank, because sure enough their fucking check will probably bounce.  Ordered the Shield through Amazon got it in two days.

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