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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

TitanFall 2...I love you

So, I know that I am late to the game, this game got released in October but let me tell you, this is possibly the most enjoyable FPS that I have played in some time.  Now don't get me wrong, I am pretty much absolutely terrible at this game, I suck.

Some things you are going to love is of course the movement in the game, the wall running, bunny hoping, fast paced movement is just so much fun! The weapons are great, Titans make you feel like a God, the campaign I feel is very compelling, it is all around a great game.

Here is the downside, the player bas is very low I feel compared to other main stream FPS games, the BF, and the COD etc.  Now of course these games have been around forever and have a huge following but I feel that this game is getting overlooked so much.  Now EA I believe made the huge mistake with releasing this game shortly after releasing BF1.  Why would you stunt a game so badly.

On PC I usually see about 1500 active players during evening hours, of what I can remember.  Now i here on console I hear that this isn't a real problem, but I really can't play FPS on console, just cant do it.  I also think that this being released on Origin alone is also a damn problem, no one really like origin, the options are terrible, its just cancer.  release this on Steam and this problem will be solved instantly.

All in all, please go and support this game, it is amazing!  There are still plenty of people to play with, get your friends involved, and play the hell out of this game, you are not going to regret it!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Space Hulk:Deathwing

Good Lord this game is catching an absolute ass whooping as far as reviews goes.  Steam is riddled with everything from Optimisation issues, to Nvidia VS AMD fanboys throwing pizza rolls at eachother!  I was really hoping for just an excellent game but it looks like you are going to get some baggage on this one.

I just want a good Warhammer game!  Please Lord let the patches come!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Buzzfeed Cesspool

Soooooo is it me or is the YouTube channel Buzzfeed a fucking cesspool of liberals clawing over each other to appease the precious snowflakes of the world.  I mean seriously, read an article a few days ago about how Buzzfeed is basically a sweatshop and they have ridiculous deadlines for their plebs to meet or basically get fired, which is an awful business plan to begin with since you will burn out almost everyone who isn't tweaking off of smack.

Also their video for after Donald Trump got elected was just fucking priceless they were literally about to cry in their silk gender neutral panties..This fucking video is so salty , they literally refer to puppies and kittens in the video to make themselves feel better, like I could imagine all of them running to their safe space playing with play dough, and wetting themselves in the Ball pit.

Trigger Warning
Had to edit and add this, are their any adults working at Buzzfeed

Friday, November 18, 2016

Donald Fucking Trump is President

Well boys and girls it actually happened, Trump got elected president  and sweet baby Jesus the Salt mines have opened!

This crazy bitch right here Laci Green has lost her ever loving mind, and so has most of the other SJW pussies.  What do they fucking expect is going to happen? They act like death squads are going to repel from helicopters gunning down Tranny's in Miami. Everyone just needs to chill the fuck out and take a breather, no one actually gives a fuck what 0.3% of the population does or feels on a daily basis just fucking carry on.
Look at what this crazy ass white girl posted!  Does she even realize that the same people who voted for Trump are the same ones four years ago who Voted for Obama, they are the same fucking people!   I have also reported this tweet for harrasment, or hate speech, something along those lines but she is a protected snowflake so she wont get banned.  But honestly people who get this upset over a democratic process are most likely mentally ill.

If you dont beleive me how dumb these people are see above video for the lulz.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Exploit, I mean Glitch, I mean The Division

No one has fantastically Fucked up a game more than Ubisoft and Massive.  I mean really fellas (and gals) congratu-fuckinlations, you have arrived!  Pop the Goddamn champagne corks get all the fucking H1b visa coders and you guys take your ass down to Dave and Busters and have one on us, the Season pass holders and buyers of your dumpster fire of a game, you call the Division.

Who in Gods name makes important variables in a game Client one, I think they did this to prevent a bunch of lag, and the fact that the game was geared specifically towards consoles where client side info isn't as vulnerable;but shit you completely broke the game.  I play on PC and it is really absolutely ridiculous.  I swear to God i got busted playing Ultima Online with Cheat Engine 15 years ago, and no is getting busted in this game unless you are just blatantly grieving with your hacks.

I was really having fun with this game, but there is no endgame, after you finish the PvE the map is pretty much useless, the DarkZone is crawling with hackers, they fucked up the drops, and crafting system, the incursion is absolutely boring AF, it is one room that has a 15 spawn wave, mobile shield is bullshit, talent stacking was bullshit, reward vendor glitch, mask glitch, reckless glitch, protection from elites, the aim-bots, unlimited ammo, no recoil, RPM hack, shield hack with any weapon, No region matchmaking, I keep getting paired with non English speaking fuckers...region lock..lock.

The state of the game is pretty terrible right now, if you can group up with 3 friends and run DarkZone its a bit better, but really everyone has glitched and cheated their way so far ahead of normal players its going to be pretty hard to redeem this game.  I mean on top of that there are people that have played this game for over 1,000 hours, glitching and cheating, people trying to play the game with ethics are shit out of luck.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Zombies are Dead...and fans killed them

For the past 4-5 years there has been a massive Zombie craze that has overwhelmed consumers all over the World.  You cant throw a fucking stick anymore without hitting something that is either a Zombie Product or advertising for some Zombie whatever.

This is nothing like the fucking book

I am going to go ahead and say it , I liked Zombies before they were cool, that is a no shit the truth, I have tons of Zombie novels, All Flesh must be Devoured short Stories, Monster Island, Zombie Survival Guide, How to speak Zombie, I will show fucking receipts. 

Zombies used to be that boy in 8th grade who tells all the other guys that he had sex, he was the most epic bad ass in the entire middle school; but later when your a sophomore you find out he stuck his dick in a grapefruit and you avoid him like the plague.

  The Main reason zombies are "dead" now is that corporate america found out that consumers fucking like them, and they proceeded to beat the genre into the ground where it threw up and rolled around in vomit comprised of it's own self indulgence.  All of you consumers just kept eating it up over and over again, it didn't fucking matter what they slapped zombies on you thought it was the greatest shit since sliced bread, well I hope you are proud of yourself.

This made quit Torrents for a year

I haven't even subjected myself to this bullshit

Monday, March 7, 2016 terrible

So I have had a hard on for Nintendo for some time now, I really just hate nearly everything that they do.  Ill start first with the game releases, if you look up some of their top titles are spread out between their handheld and the console.  Take StarFox for example the last time it was released on an actual console was 2005, and now they want us to get all excited about this steaming pile of shit for the WiiU.  It looks fucking terrible, I know people say that Nintendo doesn't care about graphics they care about story, but that is fucking stupid.

Holy Shit the money spent on this boys!

 The basis for most of their story lines can be followed by Paste Eating youth.  Bad Guy arrrghhh, Good Guy fight Yeahhhh!  You can easily keep the younger audience while at the same time keeping your older fans happy, and again the graphics If I am going to shell out the nearly the same amount of money for the WiiU as an Xbox, or Playstation then for fuck sake it should have comparable hardware.

Their stupid money grab with the Amiibos is just absolutely disgusting, if you actually spend money on these tiny pieces of shit, you deserve to lose all your money. I just hate Nintendo.....go away.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lets shit on Ubisoft: RainbowSix Siege/The Division

So over the past couple of weeks I have kind of been on a Ubisoft binge, playing RainbowSix Siege and then filling some time with Tom Clancy:The Division BETA.  I wanted to put some time today to shit on both of these games, and hopefully you'll find this informative and entertaining.

I'll be quick

Easy to get into,Load up a recruit and go
Fun playing with Friends,I have really enjoyed this with buddies
Graphics are decent-There was a huge difference between what was shown, and what we finally got, this seems to be a recurring problem.
Game play is Enjoyable

No single player,Fucking Tutorials with each different agent is not a single player with story mode, 
Very repetitive-I mean when basically the only mode in the game is Attack or Defend shit gets           repetitive.  Well there is Terrorist Hunt mode versus the AI as well...meh.
DLC - The game already doesn't have enough content to charge the full retail price of $60, this is a   $20 game, and then you gonna tell us if we want more we have to purchase it separately.
No Replay Value-I mean after a week or two of playing this game, I'm done.  This can kind of fall under the very repetitive category as well.
Always Online-I will always count this as a negative till they stop doing it.

All in all its an okay game, fun to play with friends but not enough content, and far too repetitive to hold on to Hard drive space for long on my machine. 6/10 for me an average good game.  Also I am again disappointed with the once again downgrade in graphics, once again we were shown what to expect and we got was no where close.

I am about to get off on a tangent here so bear with me,
Ever since the WatchDog fuck up I would think Ubisoft would have learned their lesson, but nope they just don't give a shit.

I mean how can you sit there show everyone a great looking game and decide before you release it, meh lets make it look like shit.  I could see downgrading the graphics for optimization for console peasants, but damn it a lot of people spent a lot of money in order to play AAA games to the max.

No one disagrees with this, if you do you are utterly full of shit, there is no other way to put it.
Next we come to Tom Clancy's: The Division.  The game has been long awaited and touted as what Destiny should have been, the Destiny killer, and many other things.

I have never played Destiny so I dont know about all that shit.  But I can tell you about The Division BETA, and make some educated guesses what the future holds for this game,, I wont do the Pros/Cons like earlier I feel that I just need to talk this one out.

The game was fun, when I played with my friends it was great, and even the individual missions were good.  The gun play was cool, not revolutionary by any means but fun.  The missions that unlocked sections of your Base of Operation were fun, but dear Lord, if I shot one more retarded gang banger named Alex, I was either joining the LAPD or turning the gun on myself.  The bad guys offer no variation, if you played the BETA you probably shot Alex thousands of times, even after the cleaners were added I felt a mild excitement that was quickly squelched.

I am sure there will be a lot more grinding in the coming release, and I will say that when the difficulty level was increased in group missions the intensity went right along with it, I don't know if that's because the enemies become bullet sponges pro longing the fight, and making ammo conversation a real thing, but it felt good.

The loot is terrible, you either get a piece of clothing or some variation of mod for your weapons. The variation in the loot is really bad, suppressor, magazine, scope, the stats are just different, this may start to make a little more sense when the crafting system is in place in the full scale game, and you are able to break down junk to craft into better gear.  I really have high hopes for this game, but I am already pissed by the admittedly forced graphics downgrade, repetitive villains, and boring loot.

DarkZone in my opinion was the best part of the game, the PVP was engaging, I felt it was a little too easy to go Rouge at times, my turret often sent me into rouge status, instantly dooming me to either running around the map or instant death.  But it was fun.

All in all the ideas behind the Ubisoft games are great, they just continue to fuck it up one way or another, its like they have someone specifically hired just to fuck these games up, please stop it....just stop it.

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