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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Get out of my Dreams, and into my Turtle Van!

This might be a bit of an understatement...but when I was a young child I was a Fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  When I heard that the TMNT movie was coming out, I peed a little.  I'm talking I remember my sister taking me to the $1 theater to watch "TNMT Turtles in Time", HIDE/SHOW
I had the Motion Soundtrack with "Ninja Rap", I had "The Ooze" splattered on ceilings in every room of the house, I had the Live TMNT roadshow on VHS.  My sisters physically assaulted a kid in the neighborhood because he had taken my Turtle Van home.

Micheal Bay is a wish granting Unicorn, whom I will love forever love, Meagan Fox is in this movie playing April O'Neal which is very surprising I thought they had a tiff, and she wasn't going to do any of his movies, don't care.  Can't wait for this movie, I heard Lindsay Lohan is going to play either Bebop or Rock-steady.  After viewing the trailer looks like they are going to stay pretty close to the "Ooze" origin to a degree, and the turtles are not ALIENS!  Here is a cool video from Screen Junkies about the new movie.

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