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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

TitanFall 2...I love you

So, I know that I am late to the game, this game got released in October but let me tell you, this is possibly the most enjoyable FPS that I have played in some time.  Now don't get me wrong, I am pretty much absolutely terrible at this game, I suck.

Some things you are going to love is of course the movement in the game, the wall running, bunny hoping, fast paced movement is just so much fun! The weapons are great, Titans make you feel like a God, the campaign I feel is very compelling, it is all around a great game.

Here is the downside, the player bas is very low I feel compared to other main stream FPS games, the BF, and the COD etc.  Now of course these games have been around forever and have a huge following but I feel that this game is getting overlooked so much.  Now EA I believe made the huge mistake with releasing this game shortly after releasing BF1.  Why would you stunt a game so badly.

On PC I usually see about 1500 active players during evening hours, of what I can remember.  Now i here on console I hear that this isn't a real problem, but I really can't play FPS on console, just cant do it.  I also think that this being released on Origin alone is also a damn problem, no one really like origin, the options are terrible, its just cancer.  release this on Steam and this problem will be solved instantly.

All in all, please go and support this game, it is amazing!  There are still plenty of people to play with, get your friends involved, and play the hell out of this game, you are not going to regret it!!

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