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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Lets shit on Ubisoft: RainbowSix Siege/The Division

So over the past couple of weeks I have kind of been on a Ubisoft binge, playing RainbowSix Siege and then filling some time with Tom Clancy:The Division BETA.  I wanted to put some time today to shit on both of these games, and hopefully you'll find this informative and entertaining.

I'll be quick

Easy to get into,Load up a recruit and go
Fun playing with Friends,I have really enjoyed this with buddies
Graphics are decent-There was a huge difference between what was shown, and what we finally got, this seems to be a recurring problem.
Game play is Enjoyable

No single player,Fucking Tutorials with each different agent is not a single player with story mode, 
Very repetitive-I mean when basically the only mode in the game is Attack or Defend shit gets           repetitive.  Well there is Terrorist Hunt mode versus the AI as well...meh.
DLC - The game already doesn't have enough content to charge the full retail price of $60, this is a   $20 game, and then you gonna tell us if we want more we have to purchase it separately.
No Replay Value-I mean after a week or two of playing this game, I'm done.  This can kind of fall under the very repetitive category as well.
Always Online-I will always count this as a negative till they stop doing it.

All in all its an okay game, fun to play with friends but not enough content, and far too repetitive to hold on to Hard drive space for long on my machine. 6/10 for me an average good game.  Also I am again disappointed with the once again downgrade in graphics, once again we were shown what to expect and we got was no where close.

I am about to get off on a tangent here so bear with me,
Ever since the WatchDog fuck up I would think Ubisoft would have learned their lesson, but nope they just don't give a shit.

I mean how can you sit there show everyone a great looking game and decide before you release it, meh lets make it look like shit.  I could see downgrading the graphics for optimization for console peasants, but damn it a lot of people spent a lot of money in order to play AAA games to the max.

No one disagrees with this, if you do you are utterly full of shit, there is no other way to put it.
Next we come to Tom Clancy's: The Division.  The game has been long awaited and touted as what Destiny should have been, the Destiny killer, and many other things.

I have never played Destiny so I dont know about all that shit.  But I can tell you about The Division BETA, and make some educated guesses what the future holds for this game,, I wont do the Pros/Cons like earlier I feel that I just need to talk this one out.

The game was fun, when I played with my friends it was great, and even the individual missions were good.  The gun play was cool, not revolutionary by any means but fun.  The missions that unlocked sections of your Base of Operation were fun, but dear Lord, if I shot one more retarded gang banger named Alex, I was either joining the LAPD or turning the gun on myself.  The bad guys offer no variation, if you played the BETA you probably shot Alex thousands of times, even after the cleaners were added I felt a mild excitement that was quickly squelched.

I am sure there will be a lot more grinding in the coming release, and I will say that when the difficulty level was increased in group missions the intensity went right along with it, I don't know if that's because the enemies become bullet sponges pro longing the fight, and making ammo conversation a real thing, but it felt good.

The loot is terrible, you either get a piece of clothing or some variation of mod for your weapons. The variation in the loot is really bad, suppressor, magazine, scope, the stats are just different, this may start to make a little more sense when the crafting system is in place in the full scale game, and you are able to break down junk to craft into better gear.  I really have high hopes for this game, but I am already pissed by the admittedly forced graphics downgrade, repetitive villains, and boring loot.

DarkZone in my opinion was the best part of the game, the PVP was engaging, I felt it was a little too easy to go Rouge at times, my turret often sent me into rouge status, instantly dooming me to either running around the map or instant death.  But it was fun.

All in all the ideas behind the Ubisoft games are great, they just continue to fuck it up one way or another, its like they have someone specifically hired just to fuck these games up, please stop it....just stop it.

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