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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

WoW level boost, how to mess up

So recently I finally bought Warlords of Draenor at the constant fucking pestering of one of my online friends. The way in which I screwed up my level boost is completely epic and embarrassing.
I had forgotten or didn't know till later that you can cross talks to play with friends, that's my first mistake. So not knowing this I created a char on my friends server thinking that's the only way I was going to be able to play with him.
Now I already have a hunter on a different realm, level 89, .01% away from being 90.  My favorite class is huntard, because they are easy to play I feel, and I am familiar with them.  So what did I do, created a Hunter level 90 on his server...fuck me.
So know I have two level 90 hunters on two different realms, placed a support ticket asking if I could redo the process, "nope can't do it" Blizzard says suck our collective ducks.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Virtual Ass Whooping coming later this year

With so many companies entering the Virtual Reality race I am starting to wonder who is going to end up on top. I believe that the there are some of the headsets that are geared towards more commercial uses like the Oculus; which is already being used with NASA, and then you have the others like Morpheus, and the steam one with consumers specifically in mind.

Having not seen any of these devices in person I really can't say which I prefer, over the others, I'm going off completely what other people have said and other reviews, but even these reviews don't compare real life differences , preferences, and feels to each one only technical differences.

From what I have seen I am not that impressed by what they are passing off as "virtual reality".  I am sure it has depth, it's immersive, etc; but when I slap on a headache inducing brick to my face I want fucking LawnMower man results, I want to make all the phones ring in the world.

How fast till the porn industry gets applications for these headsets, probably release day.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Nvidia announces New console!

Nvidia announced Tuesday night in San Francisco a new console is going to be hitting the market,  Their new console is boasting the Tegra X1 chip, can support 4k video, and is coming equipped with the  Netflix for gaming service titled "Grd". It will be available this May for $199.00.  I really cant wait to see this console in action!  It will without a doubt be better than the shit filled Ouya, honestly the Ouya has some of the worst indie game of all time, please stop it, those games suck.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Order 1886-I think we are done here

So The Order: 1886 was just released by the team at Ready at Dawn, these are the same people that brought you the three kick ass God of War titles, and that is why I am shocked and seriously disappointed in what they have done this year.

The Order is probably one of the most beautiful games that will come out this year, but at the same time they have destroyed game play by filling your time with Quick time response fights, idiotic companion AI, and a ridiculous short play time, 5-7 hours.  I mean this game gave it up faster than a fat kid on prom night.

This game took Ready at Dawn 4-5 years to develop and this is the best you can do?  Meta critic is rating it a 66/100, this is the lowest score that they have ever received!  I know what they have done exactly, with the worst open ended ending to date, they probably developed the sequel during this 4-5 year development time as well, and were hoping to feed us some more shit next year.

I don't know if they were hoping that the graphics alone would save this game, but honestly they have probably shot themselves in the foot with this one, and once again the trust has been broken between Developer and Consumer, (imagine if you pre-ordered this!).  Its really too bad they have done this, better luck next game everyone!
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