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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Phil is probably right

Currently there is a rather dumb debate about what Phil Fish said about YouTubers and others streaming, recording games in their entirety, and how some a large amount of royalties made from these recordings should be given to the developers.

First in this conversation I know that not everyone will not buy a particular game because they saw it in it's entirety on Youtube etc, They might say "Wow that looks awesome I gotta have it!"  At the same time the other side of that is true as well, If a streamer unfolds the entire story to you, some people will be just satisfied knowing what happens in a series, and they will not buy the game, or they decide the game is horrible and not buy the game.

No matter how you look at it whether you say it is free PR, or your user experience playing the game cannot be copyrighted, trying to warn gamers of a bad game, or whatever stupid reason you may have defending streaming games in their entirety, its crap, the announcements that this game is awesome and is a must have, can be done with a regular review, with gameplay segments, screenshots, etc, and guess what it is Federally protected under Fair Use!

And guess what, dumb asses that say, "Well My stream, had commentary! Its protected by Fair Use." No no its not idiot,

Fair use is a limitation and exception to the exclusive right granted by copyright law to the author of a creative work. In United States copyright law, fair use is a doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. Examples of fair use include commentary, search engines, criticism, parody, news reporting, research, teaching, library archiving and scholarship. It provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author's work under a four-factor balancing test.

The key word being Limited here, There are Four test that this argument must pass.  Purpose and character, Nature of the Copied Work, Amount and substantiality, and Effect upon works Value.

Please Gamers stop being idiots, understand laws and how they work, you wouldn't want someone scabbing your work don't do it to developers.

New Amazon Fire Phone

The new Amazon Fire Phone is set to release July 25, 2014, you can pre-order it now HERE.  With a qualifying new line of service with AT&T you can make it yours for $199.99.  The phone features Dynamic Perspective for the lock screen and the map application, this makes it look somewhat 3D when you tilt the phone in different directions.  Other features include the Fire Fly app that allows you to take a picture of book, magazine, or product and Amazon will find the same item within their site show the price etc, so you can do comparative shopping. It will also pick out phone numbers, email address if you take a photo of something that has that info on the page.  If you pre-order the phone you get a year membership of Prime, which is pretty cool.

But honestly, I am completely not excited about any new phone that is released, I looked at this phone and actually thought, "I do not want this."  That feeling has actually extended into almost every new phone I see come out.  Maybe I am desensitized because there is a new phone every six months, it is like I do not even see these phones as new technology, I am completely uninterested.

The last time i got excited about a phone, I was watching the Matrix and when Neo's phone slid open, I immediately bought the horrible reproduction of this mod and snapped it onto my Motorola .  Wish I could be excited maybe someday I will.
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